
We reinvented the wheel: Alliance for Biking & Walking

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Taoti teamed up with our client to create a user-focused website that puts the accumulated data of the Bicycling and Walking in the United States: 2016 Benchmarking Report.
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Taoti Creative

Taoti is a creative agency hell-bent on using its almost 30 years in the game developing strategies, websites and apps to help organizations do what they do, but better. Reach…

New website takes user-centered approach to exploring and sharing the census-based 2016 Benchmarking Report by the Alliance for Biking and Walking

When it comes to modes of transport, few are healthier than biking and walking. Fitness trackers are great for keeping tabs on your steps and your heart rate, but what about tracking trends for how biking and walking affect public health and safety across the United States? The American Public Health Association (APHA), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), the League of American Bicyclists and we at Taoti Creative have you covered. We’ve teamed up to create a user-focused website that puts the accumulated data of the Bicycling and Walking in the United States: 2016 Benchmarking Report at your fingertips. They’ve collected data from all 50 states and over 60 cities on benchmarks such as mode share, public health, and traffic safety.

We Reinvented the Wheel: Alliance for Biking & Walking

Users can access over 30 interactive charts and over 80 sets of data. In order to give users perspective on what they find, the system auto selects similar cities so they can easily compare findings where they are to analogous populations. Charts and graphs are interactive and allow users to view more specific information by hovering over data points. And not only can you stroll through this information, but you can also share what you find via direct Twitter and Facebook integration. Of course, the site is mobile and tablet friendly, so you can find pertinent information on biking and walking while you’re biking and walking. But, please, keep your eyes on the road. We’d hate for anyone to become a pedestrian injury statistic while looking up pedestrian injury statistics. Unfortunately, the site doesn’t adjust for irony.

We Reinvented the Wheel: Alliance for Biking & Walking 1

“The report is just a piece of paper,” says Peter Barclay, the Digital Strategist behind the project, “but the site allows people all over the world to access and interact with the data.” Practitioners, advocates, planners and public health professionals have already tapped into the valuable report for such efforts as research, gathering facts for bicycling/pedestrian plans or reports, and supporting advocacy. A recent webinar educated viewers on how to use the new Benchmarking Report website and how to apply its information in order to advocate for bicycling and walking in communities around the nation. Explore it for yourself (in our portfolio page!), then go outside and be a part of next year’s report.