
Introducing Twitter Communities

Say hello to Twitter Communities. Driven by the uptick of niche content from TikTok and the popularity of community-based groups on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Discord, Twitter is introducing…
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Taoti Creative

Taoti is a creative agency hell-bent on using its almost 30 years in the game developing strategies, websites and apps to help organizations do what they do, but better. Reach…

Text box with information about Twitter CommunitiesSay hello to Twitter Communities. Driven by the uptick of niche content from TikTok and the popularity of community-based groups on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Discord, Twitter is introducing a place for its users to connect with each other outside of the timeline.

These small, niche communities are social groups created and moderated by Twitter users. These groups can be members-only or open to the public. Users can create their own Community or join one already started by other users.

How Can Brands Benefit from Twitter Communities?

Twitter Communities are a great way for brands to connect with their target audience and build a centralized community. Brands can use communities to grow engagement and energize and deepen the relationship with their audience.

Twitter Communities take away the need to create content for a broad audience and gives your brand access to a specific sub-audience searching for a specific type of content. Post content that your audience cares about with the goal of directing users to continue their journey on your website. In other words, don’t just post ads that add no value to the conversation. Make sure to read and engage with content other users are sharing inside of the community. This as an easy way to directly see which topics your audience cares about, what they don’t like, and what resonates with them.

Under the Community, there’s no need for one-size-fits-all content. As privacy concerns take away marketers’ ability to direct ads and content to specific audiences, Twitter Communities places niche-specific content directly in front of targeted users who already did the segmenting work for you.

Why Are Conversations Important for Brands?

Twitter Communities also makes it possible to engage in conversations with users more likely to convert and influence others. Brands can no longer afford to sit quietly on substantive issues in today’s tumultuous online landscape. They must be ready and willing to provide company standpoints on issues that matter to their audience. Consumers demand authenticity from brands and a brand’s ability to engage in meaningful and socially relevant conversations with your audience builds strong credibility.

According to the 2022 M&C Saatchi TALK Art of Conversation report, 40% of consumers are more likely to buy from a brand that speaks about issues that matter to them and nearly two thirds (61%) of consumers say brand conversations should be more ‘supportive’, ‘knowledgeable,’ and ‘inclusive’. In Twitter Communities, not only do you get a chance to see your audience’s viewpoint on a more targeted scale, but you also have an opportunity to interact directly with an audience that is important to your brand. This will also prepare you to have these conversations on a more general scale outside of your niche audience. Take advantage of the proximity to your audience base to guide brand decisions.