
Finding the Wild

National Park Service

National Park Service

Unparalleled nature, powerful moments in history, families and friends making memories

Since 1916, the National Park Service (NPS) has been entrusted with the care of our national parks. With the help of volunteers and partners, they safeguard these special places and share their stories with over 318 million visitors each year.

The NPS wanted to enhance the user experience, not only on their website, but also on their app. Taoti focused on understanding the motivations of NPS users and used those insights to craft a new experience that would inspire their next adventure.

A phone with a video demo of the NPS homepage and search features playing on a loop.
Three presentation slides layered on top of each other featuring data from the user research from the NPS app. Set against a blurry dark background of a national park.

Blazing a Trail

To push the interactive components further, we built in the ability for users to contribute to park maps. This assists future park visitors in planning their trips and selecting activities based on their interests and locations.

On the app, users can now post reviews and view detailed information about specific parks, including the activities available at each location. In addition, we added an events calendar and news pages that can be easily filtered by date and park.

A split screen visual, with the photo of a female hiker in a hat and jacket smiling on the left and a demo of the NPS app events listing page on the right scrolling on a loop.

Enjoy the View

The stunning visual design features photographs from more than 400 parks across the nation. The streamlined navigation and strategic positioning of call-to-action buttons encourage engagement. The inclusive messaging and interactive components helped create a space that will inspire users’ desire for their next thrilling adventure.

A phone screen showing the NPS app page about Shenandoah park surrounded by images of hikers, national park landscapes, and wildlife.