
Why Good Design Matters Now, More Than Ever

Good design goes beyond just aesthetics.
Katie Marren

Katie Marren

Sr. Graphic Designer
“I solve problems and tell stories through design and brand-building.” Katie is a designer and brand strategist with a passion for using design to tell a story. She works across…

Has Originality Died?

Have you noticed how so many brands are starting to look the same? It’s not just your imagination. Many businesses are relying on the same design trends and templates, which results in a homogenization that makes it difficult for any one brand to stand out. But good design goes beyond just aesthetics. It’s a strategic tool grounded in research, thoughtfully executed by a skilled professional designer.

The surge of DIY, cookie-cutter platforms has led to the misconception that everyone can be a designer. But there’s a growing pushback happening behind the scenes. I recently attended a talk with Katy Ennis-Hargreaves, from Boldism, and Chris Sanders, from Right Aligned Group, during which they discussed the importance of preserving the value of design, and I couldn’t agree more.

The Rise of DIY Platforms

Tools like Canva and AI are on the rise, making it easy for anyone to create professional-looking designs. These tools can be great for quick and simple tasks, but they should be used sparingly. When it comes to the most important parts of your brand, relying on professional designers ensures that your brand’s identity remains strong and unique. At Taoti, we show our clients how to use some DIY tools as part of the final deliverable process, but only so they can keep their assets up-to-date while preserving the integrity of the brand. We believe that these tools should never replace the expertise of a professional designer—and here’s why.



Why Good Design Matters Now, More Than Ever 2

Strategic Design

Successful design relies heavily on both research and strategy. It’s about understanding the market, identifying unique selling propositions, and crafting a visual language that connects with your audience(s). Professional designers bring a depth of understanding and training that goes beyond templates and stock images. They can customize every element to align with your brand’s ethos and goals, ensuring a cohesive and compelling identity.

The Taoti Way

We believe that the best design outcomes are the result of collaboration—collaboration between client and agency, between designers, and even between designers and other creative professionals. Here’s our basic framework:

  • Client kickoff meeting
  • Internal and client workshops with Marketing Strategist, Designer, and VP of Creative
  • Development of mood boards and style tiles, that reflect the personas, competitive analysis done by our strategists
  • Client mockups with various options
  • Feedback sessions

The Value of Design

At a time when brands appear strikingly similar, authentic design is rooted in originality and strategic thinking. By recognizing the limitations of DIY tools, and valuing the unique skills of professional designers, we can make sure that brands keep their distinct visual and strategic identities. Let’s work together to champion originality; embrace the power of strategic design; and put it to work growing the future of our businesses.